Posted Wed, 01 Mar 2017 19:14:15 GMT by

This is a fresh install with the connector for Desk.Com on a brand new server.  I am having difficulty getting into the administrator console.  Once I login, I get this message. 

Access to the database file is not allowed. [ 1914,File name = C:\Program Files (x86)\AMC Technology\Administration Tool\App_Data\AdminPortalDB.sdf,SeCreateFile ].

I have tried uninstalling, reinstalling, uninstalling and reinstalling as administrator.  I need some help so I can get this configured.


Posted Thu, 02 Mar 2017 18:33:52 GMT by

Thank you Alan for opening a forum question.


The issue you are having is potentially tied to rights not correctly assigned to the SDF file, AppPools and Services.  There are a few reasons why this would occur:


1. Incorrect password for service account used during installation

2. Incorrect service account user name and/or affiliation used during installation. For example, the service account is a domain account and the domain was not correct tied to the user name during install (e.g. amc\iggy, amc is the domain and iggy is the service account in the domain for the Contact Canvas Server.

3. Server is on the domain, but service account is a local account and is added during the installation as .\ instead of domain\.  The .\ would signify that this is a service account on a workgroup, the domain\ would indicate that this is a service account and the server is on a domain.  

4. Not right clicking and selecting "Run As Administrator" when starting up one of the installers.

All of the examples listed above, would cause resources and permissions to get incorrectly associated causing services and AppPools to not correctly start or fail once accessed.

I hope this helps you, please let me know if you have any questions regarding this reply.

Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:24:53 GMT by

Sorry to bug you again Iggy.   I came in this morning thinking I would be able to configure my users and test but the admin portal is down again.

When I try to browse to the site I see :  HTTP Error 503. The service is unavailable.

Yesterday we were getting the TAPI portion configured and working we did reboot.  i did not check the portal after that.

I looked at my services and saw that the CMService was not running.  I started it but immediately got this error:  CMService service on Local Computer started then stopped.  Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.

I took at look at the event logs and saw this:  

The description for Event ID 0 from source CMService cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event:

AMC MCMS Service stopped


I am not seeing the AMC MCMS Service in the services.  


Please tell me how to fix this?








Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 16:45:59 GMT by

Hello Alan,

The admin Portal might be still be an issue with credentials, so you might need to check the credentials per each of the ApppPools, CMService under Servers and the CMService/CMGateway under the DCOMCNFG section.  There might have been a set of credentials missed.  But after everything has been set, you should run an IISRESET and give the admin portal another try.

As for CMService, you would need to configure CMService and our connection to the Avaya server by creating and editing a Server profile and configuring the CTIModule and the other sections within it.  Only after that, will CMService operate correct and everything will work.

Within the Contact Canvas Server Implementation guide, it will guide you on how to configure the Server and Server Profile under the Admin Portal.  The other information inside of the server profile would be retrieved within the Avaya TAPI Voice Driver Pre-Installation worksheet you should have filled out.

At the point you are now the filled out Pre-Installation worksheets will help you greatly.

Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 17:13:55 GMT by

I am sorry but this is still more confusing to me than ever.

I checked all the credentials on the app pools.   They are okay.  But the AdminToolAppPool will not remain running.


I don't know where this is:  CMService under Servers and the CMService/CMGateway under the DCOMCNFG section.  Can you give me clearer direction as to how to get to this spot?  

Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 18:00:09 GMT by

Hello Allen,


There is no CMService under Servers, once you create the Server Profile, configure it and push it under it will essentially control CMService.

The AdminToolAppPool is failing because the credentials are incorrect, I recommend, to make it easier that you write down your credentials (the server\service account name and password on a notepad) then copy and paste them into the appropriate fields where you see the credentials already, just to make sure nothing is written incorrectly.  

Please refer to the table of contents in the Contact Canvas Implementation Guide for the location of the CMService services section then also for the DCOMCNFG section.  These 3 will need to have those same credentials applied.

Please remember, anytime you push the profile and/or manually reset CMService, you will need to reset IIS with IISRESET in an elevated command prompt.

Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 18:04:26 GMT by

It would help me a lot if you would identify which document I should be looking at.

I am guessing you mean the Contact Canvas Implentation guide, right?



Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 18:08:38 GMT by

Hello Allan,

I did post it in the last comment, in the Contact Canvas Implementation guide, though in all the text, it is easy to miss.

Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 19:05:55 GMT by

I'm in now.  thanks.  Turns out a lot of the application pools had incorrect settings (v2.0 for .net, 32bit enabled true, managed pipeline classic).  I followed along in the manual and got them set properly.



Posted Fri, 03 Mar 2017 19:13:59 GMT by

Hello Allan,

That is very interesting, I thought the script was run again after the re-installation which sets all of the application pool .net version types.  Regardless, I think its great that you got it up and running.

Please do let me know if you run into any further issues.