NOTE: To add a new suggestion, you will need to sign-in to the portal and you may also need to scroll to the bottom of the page depending on the number of suggestions in your current view.

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    CTI user login report

    Suggested by Denis Jupits New  0 Comments

    CTI user login report, preferably with storing historical user login-logout date-time data. However, having currently logged in users in the report can be MVP. It has to be not a log on the server but a report available via web browser.
    For currently logged in user report columns needed: user ID, first/last name, agent ID, extension. 
    For historical login user report additional columns would be login date and time, logout date and time, session duration.
    Selection fields for input should be any of the columns.

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    Timestamps on recent activity list

    Suggested by Kajal Maheshwari New  0 Comments

    It would be a useful to have timestamps added to the recent activity list, so that agents can easily differentiate between different calls to the same number.

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    Not Ready (Auxiliary) Reason codes visibility on Presence status

    Suggested by Kajal Maheshwari New  0 Comments

    Currently, when viewing agents in Da Vinci CTI, it shows their status but not the reason. E.g. if someone was on Lunch or Break, it would show as "Not Ready", but not the actual reason.

    It would be great to have the reason for their AUX. For example, some not ready reasons indicate the associate is actively working but not taking calls directly from a queue (e.g. Admin) whereas others indicate they are not available in general (e.g. Lunch).

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    Enhancement Request to disable automatic user creation for SSO

    Suggested by PPG Shared New  0 Comments

    Request to disable SSO. This is causing mass creation of users on C4C for however this is affecting operation and causing slowness on Davinci Creators Studio

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    Callback Functionality

    One of the basic features of any call center is the ability for the customer to request a call back. Would request Davinci to add this feature as this is not available currently .

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    Query on Shortcut Keys to manage calls

    Suggested by Srihari Gollapudi New  0 Comments

    Calls will roll in for the next agent after around 4 rings. Calls are answered by mouse operation currently.

    Are there shortcut keys available to manage calls in CTI?


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    passing SSO Attributes such as role. profile and creating the user details in CS does not work

    Suggested by Yatin Narothum New  0 Comments

    passing SSO Attributes such as role. profile and creating the user details in CS does not work

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    releasing APIs for automation process for creating/deleting Agents

    Suggested by Gal Baruch New  0 Comments

    are there any APIs that could be used for adding users on an automated daily basis?
    we are going through system migration changes and need to configure all the agents in the administration portal and also users in the Davici Creators Studio,
    after we create the Agents in UCCE servers.
    until now we needed to create an agent user id in the AMC IA Configuration Manager,
    importing could work for bulk users, at the start, not for day to day changes.
    we have created an automated process that gets the Users info from A.D. configures phone extensions in the CUCM, creates Agents in the UCCE servers, each one according to his/hers designated call center, all automated using different API's.
    releasing API's we could use (in combination with the OKTA automated login) would be very much helpfull for agent managment.
    THANKS and best regards

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    Display Cisco Finesse Queue Statistics within DaVinci Agent UI Toolbar.

    Suggested by Ken Rush New  0 Comments

    Customers (NSE) would like agents to be able to view Finesse queue information from within the DaVinci Agent Toolbar, so they do not need to have a parallel Finesse session open at the same time they are working within DaVinci.

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    Allow for Multiple Cisco Devices

    Suggested by Brandon Hettler New  0 Comments

    In Finesse, when an agent logs in, they are prompted with a list of devices they are associated with.  Agent will pick the device they plan to use and log in.

    Agents do not get this choice when using DaVinci