Posted Sat, 04 Mar 2017 00:29:37 GMT by

I have been able to generate my license keys but I am not clear I am putting them in the right place.


# TraceEnabled=1
# TraceLevel=2
# TraceMaxSize=1024



Does my Multi-Channel Interface Product Licensing go on the MCIS line?

Does my CTI Driver for Microsoft® TAPI go on the AA-DOTNET?

Posted Sun, 05 Mar 2017 05:41:29 GMT by

Dear Alan,

     Yes, the Multi-Channel Interface Product License goes on the MCIS line.

     The proper key for the TAPI voice driver is: TAPIConnector=<insert license key> .  I believe you are using the wrong Server Profile template, because the TAPI license should show up on the line.  Note, if you are using Cisco UCM, you MUST use the TAPI template.  Cisco templates are only for UCCE, PCCE, and UCCX.  You should use the SOAP TAPI template. 

Warning:  If you do not use the correct template, you will not have the proper CTI Module settings to configure the TAPI connection.

      The .NET Adapter license is for the SOAP adapter gateway, used with Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, and CCA Toolkit.

Note:  You can always find the license key information in the appropriate Implementation Guide.  (In this case the VoiceDriver For Microsoft TAPI Implementation Guide)...

Step 3: Generate and apply the TAPI Driver license

+        The voice drive requires one license for each concurrent user.

+        See the AMC Contact Canvas Implementation Guide and the AMC On-Line Licensing Guide for instructions on how to generate licenses keys.

+        Add the license key to the License Manager section of the configuration.  Use the generated license key as the “value” in the license key-value entry.

Table 7‑6:  TAPI Driver License Manager Key

License  Module Entries

Notes / Description

TAPIConnector=<generated license key>

Apply the generated license key for TAPI.




Ken Rush

Posted Sun, 05 Mar 2017 15:13:05 GMT by

Dear Alan,

      I want to correct one thing in my pervious port.  After reviewing the TAPI SOAP Server Profile template there appears to be a bug in its configuration.  The License Manager section is not correct -- it matches the settings you listed above.  Based on this I believe  you are using the proper template, but the template has a license manager error.  I have raised this as a defect.

The proper settings for the TAPI SOAP License Manager section are:

# MCIS=<Insert Multi-Channel Interface Product License [CCS License]>

# AA-DOTNET=<Insert SOAP Adapter License Key>

#TAPIConnector=<Insert TAPI License Key>

Posted Mon, 06 Mar 2017 16:55:21 GMT by

The further I get into this configuration, the more confused I become.

I have been pouring over two manuals mainly:


AMC Application Adapter - - Implementation Guide - Version 6.5

AMC Contact Canvas Server - Implementation Guide  - Contact Canvas 6.5


Your reply above makes me feel uncertain that I have chosen the right Server Profile.  

Can you please outline which manuals I should be reviewing for which functions to get us set up properly?

We are just trying to get the desk connector to our phone switch working.  I have my Avaya Tapi 2.0 driver working properly. It is seeing the phone lines so I believe that is working properly.   I am still not clear how our users get configured 

It is not clear to me the proper path to configure all the elements.  The manually does not sufficiently describe how to set up my particular implementation (, Avaya IP Office).  There a many, many options and I am not clear which ones I need to touch and which ones I don't.

It would be very helpful if someone can help guide me through which items I need to configure and which ones don't need to be touched.

I have a brand new server with the Contact Canvas running.  We have the Administrator App running.


Which is the proper server profile template for my implementation?  It is not clear how to choose this.  Where in the manual does it out line this?











Posted Mon, 06 Mar 2017 18:04:00 GMT by


I do appreciate your feedback on the documentation and will consider ways to make it easier to understand how to use the AMC documentation and the steps for a specific implementation (e. g., Avaya IP Office and 

You should use the TAPI SOAP server profile for with Avaya IP Office. 

After you have the Server Profile connecting with Avaya IP Office and have properly applied all three (3) licenses (MCIS, TAPIConnector and AA-DOTNET, you will need to configure the application.  There are very specific steps to enabling for Contact Canvas.  Follow the directions in the Chapter 7 Implementation of the implementation guide.  Note that the Chapter 7 gives a high-level description of the Implementation Steps.  Chapter 8 is a reference section that provides step-by step on how to enable CTI in and assign users. Chapter 9 is a reference section that details the CRM Profile settings.  Chapter 10 is a reference and step-by-step description of how to create the Agent Profile.

  1. Install the adapter.  The adapter is installed separately.
  2. In the Administration Utility, create and configure a CRM Profile from the template.
  3. Follow the steps on how to configure for telephony:  enable the phone channel, create a phone integration record, and assign users (agents) to the configuration.
  4. Then, for each user, you must create a CCS Agent in the Administration Utility.  Assign the CRM Profile you created in step two (2), and then configure the agents for the telephony channel, adding their IP Office Extension (you do not need to set the CTI ID or password as TAPI does not use the settings.)

Once you have completed those steps, you may log into using a configured user.

Posted Tue, 07 Mar 2017 00:44:11 GMT by



I am still not working.   I think I have everything configured but the Desktoolbar service doesn't seem to be working.  I checked and reentered all the settings but every time I browse to the site I get service unavailable.  I noticed following that that the desktoolbarapppool shuts down.


I have included a snap of my settings for that service.  Can you please tell me where else I should look?  





Posted Tue, 07 Mar 2017 12:02:57 GMT by


    The error you are getting is related to the web service, most likely the application pool is not properly configured.  This is the case any time an application pool shuts down when accessed.  You can check for specific errors in the Microsoft Event Log.  Check both the Application and System event logs for Error level messages on IIS components.

     Verify that the application pool is properly configured and running.  Use IIS 7.0 Manager and navigate to the site application pools.  Check to see if the Toolbar application pool is "Started" or "Stopped."  If stopped, right click on the application pool and select "Advanced Settings..." It should be configured for .NET CLR Version=4.0, Enable 32 bit applications=FALSE, and Managed Pipeline Mode=Integrated.  Also verify the Process Model Identity user credentials.  These must be the same user credentials used for the Contact Canvas Server CMService Identity (configured as part of the Windows Service).